Lost & Found 2016


The obligatory Christmas message

My dearest mates… It is a well known tradition that I put out some photos at Christmas time, which are never published before. Usually this is a collection of different sock order photos from the girls, photos I randomly took with my mobile phone and other things.


In addition I’d like to summarize the last year with a few words.

The year 2016 was a changing year for many of us. Many famous people died, the reason why 2016 was a shitty year in the common sense of the social networks. Myself, I was circling around this deadly topic also. We all grow older and I had a hard time of regenerating after a long time of desperation.

But 2016 had some groundbreaking positive changes, too. I put fussphantasie to a complete new technical basis, changed the language in order to reach more people and finally I moved to a new house. The last thing was completely unexpected at that time and it took much power and concentration for many weeks. This wasn’t a normal moving I knew from other times in my life. It was a new experience in several ways.


But it is done. We have to say farewell to our beloved companions and prepare the place for new challenges, new people and new goals. I’m just in this process, as you may have seen the last weeks if you follow the shoutbox.

2017 will go on with things I’m still preparing. New models are coming, new projects are planned and one project was realized right last week. (Did I mention how long it has been since the last time I had a toe in my mouth? Can’t remember…)


So, yes, new things will happen and I’m looking forward to the spring. Midwinter was a few days ago, the days are rising again.

This is the time to say Thank You to all of you! Visitors, supporters and customers. And to my girls for sure! I’m so glad they are coming along this way with me <3

And now grab the new archive of photos for free! This is a 285 MB collection of the girls plus two short video clips I captured with my phone this year. And, same as last year, some inside-shoe-shots. Can’t help myself :D

download L&F 2016

But there is one more thing! The old Lost & Found series from the last years were highly missed since the reconstruction. I put them up again and made one complete .zip-archive for you to download. 10 series from the history of 10 years fussphantasie, free for all of you!

This archive is 562 MB and has almost 3000 photos in it, enjoy folks!

download L&F archive 1-10

Merry Christmas to all of you! Stay safe, love your neighbours and hopefully enjoy all the socks and sweaty feet you’ll get. We will see us again in 2017!