Lost & Found 2019


My little Christmas gift for you

lost-found-2019_03Hey mates, this year was a pretty sad year for me. Although there were many good things that happened to me, there is this “Under Feet” thing that threw a big dark shadow over me and my website.

Since then I’ve chosen to hunt those people who try to damage me, my girls and last but not least all of you lovers and supporters of fussphantasie. I was never the person who runs to big mama when somebody hurt me, but after all those years it got too much. I filed two ongoing lawsuits against those idiots. And I won’t stop this in future, because those very few people should learn the lesson what it means to damage our interests.

In addition I rejected and will reject all anonymous and suspicious new registrations for the shop since May. You don’t want to tell who you are? Ok, then I won’t deal with you. It’s that simple.

Some begin to argue this and argue that, why they want to be anonymous. Because their wife, because their life, because… You get it. But that’s not my problem. I’ve been very open and trustful to you for the last almost 15 years and I’m still online whereas so many other websites have shut down in the past. You get no ads, no tracking, no porn popups, no shit.

I’m a fan, a lover, an artist, a fetishist and a dreamer. I’m no big porn company… So please treat me like that, respectful and as a human who has the same interests as you.

Enough of the rant.

It’s Christmas, the days of love, charity, silence and soul-searching. As every year I searched my hard drives for all those forgotten pictures and clips which I’d like to share with you for free. Many pictures of my girls, some shoe shots and dirty socks. Plus I’ve added two short clips from my mobile phone to the 351 MB zip-archive.

Have nice holidays, enjoy the time and we will see us again in 2020. A new decade for everyone!
Thank you all very much for your support, your mails and your good words <3

download L&F 2019